Spirogyra has a spiral ribbon like chloropast

nucleus is in center of cells

reproduces by conjugation,material of one filament enter cells of  another filament


Volvox is green algal colony

its motile as it has a flagella

has both sexual as well as asexual reproductions



in addtion to chlorophyll has a yellow brown pigment

the cell wall is impregnated with silica



combination of fungus and algae or cynobacterium

found in extreme conditions,artic tundra ,deserts etc

Crustose lichens on a wall

fungus surrounds the algae

lichen are poikilihydric (survives in low levels of water)

algal components is photosynthetic

reproduce asexually or vegetatively

used as food

may also be used  as antibiotic as it reduces the growth of bacteria



Fucus serratus
Fucus serratus
Fucus serratus
Fucus serratus
Fucus is in genus of brown alga found on rocky shores worldwide

The thallus is perennial

Gas-filled  (air-vesicles) are present in pairs in some species, one on either side of the midrib.

These algae have a relatively simple life cycle and produce only one type of Thallus which grows to a maximum size of 2 m

They are dominant on the shores of the british isles, the northeastern coast of North America  and California .

used as fertiliser and to make soda ash

Fucus serratus

Scientific classification



phylum Porifera.

They are primitive, sessile, mostly marine, water dwelling filter feeders that pump water through their bodies to filter out particles of food matter..

  Water enters the sponge through a series of incurrent canals and passes through internal pores called prosopyles into the radial canals,
Radial cannals are lined with flagellated collar cells also called Choanocytes. 

 - choanocytes that keeps water moving through the sponge. 

 Direction of water flow . radial canals, ==>water then enters the central spongocoel ==> to exit through a single opening called an osculum.



Phyllum Cnidaria

Class Hydrozoa


A - new polyp forming, B - reproductive polyp, C- feediing

Obelia is a colonial marine organism that is found attached to seaweeds, rocks, shells or pilings in the shallow waters off seacoasts. 

alternates between a polyp stage (which is the asexual generation) and a medusa stage (which is the sexual generatio

  The plantlike colony consists of numerous branches, which terminate in two kinds of polyps.  The feeding, or nutritive polyps possess tentacles and resemble Hydra

The reproductive polyps are club-shaped and lack tentacles. 

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